The University of Chicago Press 1994

Dimensions of the Americas
Dimensions of the Americas: Art and Social Change in Latin America and the United States
The University of Chicago Press
By Shifra M. Goldman
ISBN: 0-226-30123-0
Chicago, IL
January 1, 1995

Linda Vallejo mentioned on pages 170, 218, 226-227




“Both artist and efficient art coordinator (curator, coordinator of a publication, etc.), Linda Vallejo (California, 1951) spent her formative years as an “Air Force brat” living in the United States and Europe. The Chicano movement was in full swing when she settled again in Los Angeles, and she established ties with its Indianist ideas and activities to capture what she felt was a lost identity. As a catholic-educated printmaker and sculptor, Vallejo is most attracted to pre-Columbian and Native American spirituality and ritual. ‘All my pieces,’ she says, ‘contain archetypal, mythological, or dream world imagery. I use archetypal subject matter found in ancient cultures combined with the modern idea of self-knowledge through the interpretation of dreams.’ Vallejo works extensively with monotypes and hand-dyed paper (like Murillo, whom she admires, she layers some of her abstract work with remnants of old silk-screen or lithographic prints), and with three-dimensional works of cast paper embellished with Welsh wool, electrical wires, honeysuckle vines, papier-mâché, feathers, fur, plastic, and other materials.” (pp. 226-227)



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