Avenue 50 Studio & Mujeres de Maíz ZINE 2015

madre mother, mujeres de maiz
Madre, Mother—Mujeres de Maíz Collective
group exhibition with accompanying “zine” published by Mujeres de Maíz
Avenue 50 Studio
Los Angeles, CA
March 14—April 4, 2015



The longest running self-identified women of color zine in the nation. Zines are a non-commercial form of independent media that circulate information and communicate stories that are often devalued in popular culture, public discourse and mainstream politics. The Mujeres de Maíz zines feature original poetry, prose and visual art, and is a platform for writers and artists.

Mother earth is a quintessential notion of motherhood, a sacred living entity we are ceremoniously tied to. As la Madre Tierra undergoes an onslaught of losses and unethical actions, movements to take back our bodies and defend the earth inspire revolutionary changes; these include movimiento for indigenous ways of cooking and eating, community efforts to grow our own food, explorations of the vegana indígena lifestyle and much more. How do you personally experience motherhood and/or connect to mother earth? How do we survive mother earth’s healing process? Or our own healing processes? How do you nurture your relationship with mother earth? With your body? With your mother? With women mothering around the world?



Artists included: Margaret Alarcon, Ofelia Esparza, Textli Gallegos, Jessica Gutierrez, Celina Jacques, Michelle L. Lopez, Felicia Montes, Lilia Ramirez, Lilia Reynoso, Martha Rodriguez, Rosalinda Ruiz, Maggie Santiago, Linda Vallejo, Joan Zamora



Madre Celestial, 2000
cover image
acrylic on canvas
24 x 24 in.



Exhibition announcement Linda Vallejo artist statement Mujeres de Maíz website