La Gente Magazine 1992

La Gente Newspaper 1992 X

Linda Vallejo: Art From the Roots
La Gente Magazine
By Roberto Karimi
April/May 1992


“Outside the Galería Nueva, an art gallery owned and operated by Ramses Noriega and Linda Vallejo, one can see everything that Linda Vallejo says keeps her from being with the Earth. Buildings. Smog. Crowded streets. Poverty. Pollution. Population density. Pavement and many, many cars. The view is breathtaking and expansive from the rooftop gallery although it has been ruined by mankind’s abuse of the Earth. As your eyes tum away from the smog line of Los Angeles and into the gallery, you can see the work of Linda Vallejo that celebrates the spirit and the images of people integrated with nature. This is the goal of Linda Vallejo, to ‘inspire people to take care of the Earth.’ I want to perpetuate the beauty, the balance, the harmony, the dream of the Earth as a whole. Intercultural. Interspiritual. Intertribal. InterEarth.'”

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