La Raza Cósmica: Building on a Legacy of 50 Centuries
group exhibition
National Council of La Raza Annual Council
Galería Las Américas
Los Angeles, CA
July 19-23, 1991
catalog excerpt
The 1992 conference theme, La Raza Cósmica: Building on a Legacy of 50 Centuries, presents a celebration of the 5,000-year history and heritage of the Latino Americano people. The conference will highlight the contributions of “La Raza Cósmica” to the people of the new world as well as review the present status and future needs of Hispanic Americans.
La Raza Cósmica Art Exhibition brings together a “Full Spectrum” of Latino Americano artistic expression, acknowledging and highlighting the individuality of each artist. The artists of “Raza Cósmica” have many visions and ways of sharing our collective Latino Americano heritage.
Artists included: Carlos Almaraz, Judy Baca, Hector Garcia, Carmen Lomas Garza, Gunther Gerzso, Roberto Gil de Montes, Gronk, Graciela Iturbide, Gloria Longval, Juanishi Orosco, Jorge Pardo, Vocos Posse, Yando Rios, Frank Romero, Sebastiao Salgado, Luis Serrano, Linda Vallejo
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