Mujeres de Maiz ZINE 2007

Cantando al Amanecer
Mujeres de Maiz Flor y Canto
Zine 2007, vol. 5



Over the years Mujeres de Maiz Zine publications have evolved into beautiful 30-60 page soft-bound booklets with 20-30 poems, and over 15-25 full color pages of original works. There are over 30 visual artists & poets in every issue with generations of creative women of color from throughout the United States and worldwide.



Artists and poets in this issue:

Adriana Alba-Sanchez, Maritza Alvarez, Gina Aparicio, Isabella Aragon, Yukiko Avila, Carmen Canchola, Yreina D. Cervantez, Jesenia Chavez, Marisol Crisostomo, Cati de los Rios, Alfie Ebojo, Elvia Flores, Diana R. Flores, Imelda Flores, Leslie Galvan, Lori Xihuatl Gonzales, Cyndi Hidalgo-Kines, Michelle Juarez-Taylor, Nancy Green Lorenza, Luica Martinez, Felicia Montes, Margaret Quica Alarcon, Griselda Liz Munoz, Karina Oliva, Diana Camacho aka “Papalotl,” Quezada Ariana, Lilia Ramirez, Gabriela Erandi Rico, Sarah Rosenkrantz, Alyssa Rosales, Mariana Fatumiti Solialii, Luz Tapia, Gabriela Anaya Valdepeña, Micaela Valdez, Linda Vallejo, Rachel Thorson Veliz, Vickie Vertiz, Renee Villanueva, Marisol L. Torres.

