Artweek Magazine 1994

Linda Vallejo
Artweek Magazine, Vol. 25, No. 7
April 7, 1994



Featured Artwork

Woman of Love and Integrity, 1991
Gouache on handmade paper
25 x 19 in.




My artwork revolves around my dual experiences as a woman and Chicana living in the late twentieth century and studying the ancient Indigenous traditions of Mexico and the Americas. I have worked to discover woman in her modern and ancient place as a source of strength, love and integrity. I believe that all women are a part of the earth and can be inspired by relationship with and through nature.

My images are dedicated to the view of women as understood in Chicano-Indigena cultural and spiritual concepts. Over the last fifteen years, I have studied and worked within Mexicano, Chicano and Native American cultural and ceremonial traditions. It is my belief that artists must integrate their life experiences into a consolidated whole in order to produce an imagery true to themselves and to the message that they are to share with their audience. It has taken fifteen years for me to accomplish this.

—Linda Vallejo



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