Sierra Arts Gallery 2006

New Installations 2006
Gallery installation including The Ferris Wheel, Censored, and Got Milk?
Sierra Arts Foundation
Reno, Nevada
August 23-October 13, 2006



Artist statement
Linda Vallejo

Between 1975-2000 I created images that defined humanity’s fundamental, yet tenuous relationship to the natural world. In opposing portfolios such as The Death of Urban Humanity: A World Without Hope, the image moved from the beauty of nature, to the devastation of life, and the barren complexity of the urban world.

Hope in the Midst of War Death and Destruction combines these two irreconcilable visions to create a political/ecological image to united the beauty and tranquility of nature with the violence and carnage of war.

War, death, and destruction have proven inevitable aspects of humanity’s presence and legacy. Each day, century after century, mothers and fathers, families, communities, and nations loose yet more young lives through the devastation of war. How can we live a life of peace, balance and beauty in the midst of this horror, grief and loss?



Exhibition invitation New Installations 2006 artist statement HOPE Censored Sierra Arts Foundation Gallery website